One Half Gone...
Rounding out the cast (no pun intended) is Larry Joe Campbell as Glen - Cub’s longtime pal. The always eager, yet not so confident Glen is the outside observer to Sam and Cub’s relationship. He is the perfect comic foil to the brother’s conflicting personalities.
Celebrating his fifth successful season on ACCORDING TO JIM Larry Joe Campbell thrives on making people laugh, and laugh they do at his portrayal of the temperamental yet sensitive brother-in-law, Andy, on the hit ABC series. Recently Campbell revisited his comedy roots with his one-man show, Terry vs. The Towel Lady, at the Second City Studio Theatre in Hollywood. Terry, which traces the history of a somewhat lackluster outcast, showcased Campbell's versatility with a wide variety of characters and his perfect comedic timing.  (taken from the ABC’s ACCORDING TO JIM website bio)
Larry joe Campbell...
CAST:    Sam    Cub...Hawkinson.htmlMathein.htmlBerkman.html