One Half Gone...
Cub is the capricious brother to Sam’s fastidiousness. It would be easy to dismiss Cub as the irresponsible one, but the truth is, maintaining his unfettered lifestyle might take just as much effort as Sam’s all consuming engineering career does.
J.D. Mathein IS Cub. Filming for One Half Gone was a week underway and the roll of Cub was still not cast. Nobody who tried out had come close to capturing Cub’s essence. And then an audition tape arrived with this dude eating ice cream, and possibly even a small reading from the script. He was the one. J.D. nailed it. NAILED IT.  This guy is a star. More about J.D. HERE.
J.D. Mathein -...
CAST:    Sam    Tracy...Hawkinson.htmlBerkman.htmlcampbell.html